01 .21 .15 Dove ‘Love Your Curls’ Campaign for Girls


This week, Dove launched a new ad campaign celebrating more “real beauty,” aimed at women and young girls with curly hair. The brand claims that only 4 out 10 curly haired girls actually like their hair. The other 6? Frustrated—with fractured self-esteem.

The campaign is already getting some slack. Some critics say it’s dramatic; that Dove conveniently conducted their own research to support their new hair care line. I say, ok, maybe that’s all true to an extent. But I believe Dove is striking a very real chord.

A few years ago, my daughter’s really curly-haired friend showed up with a blow-out. She was not yet 4. Her mother told me she hated her curly hair and begged her to straighten it. There was something so unsettling and sad about the whole thing. The thought of that little girl feeling bad about her hair killed me. Clearly she’s not the only one so I really support this campaign. I love how it demonstrates the powerful influence of mothers. It’s a reminder that, to a certain extent, self-esteem can be learned by example.

I also think Dove proves that what we undo is just as significant as anything else we do in our beauty routines.

What do you think?



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