11 .12 .14 Meet Mosaic, My Favorite Photo Book App

Can you imagine creating a beautiful, cloth-bound photo album in under five minutes? I just did. And I can’t get over it. G-D I love savvy technology I can actually use.

Here’s how Mosaic works:

-Download the app onto your iPhone or tablet.

-Open app.

-Choose 20 photos from your photo album

-Receive fabulous 7″X 7″ photo book in the mail in four days.

Seriously, the whole process could not be easier. I haven’t put together an actual photo album in ten years. I am not good at these things for more reasons than I can list. I have already made two Mosaics. I have gifted a few. I have ideas for more—like, I’m going to a friend’s birthday party and snapping photos all night and will make a Mosaic for her in the taxi ride home that she’ll have in her hands in four days. How awesome is that?!

I’m really excited to have an outlet for all the photos of my children I never got around to printing. (I also have a feeling I’m about to start living my life in Mosiac moments the way I once lived in Facebook statuses in my head.)

Head on over to my Instagram feed to take a peek at the Mosaic I just made for my husband’s birthday.


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