10 .15 .14 Trick of the Trade: The Lash Card

I like to paint outside the lines. Metaphorically, yes, but I mean physically—when I polish my nails, when I apply smudgy eye pencil, and especially when I apply mascara. It can get messy. I keep an arsenal of eye makeup remover and Q-tips in my kit for this purpose and it usually takes a few minutes to clean up my eyelids before I can move on. Those are precious minutes in the morning, and I usually only have six to myself before I have to be out the door.

So thank goodness for The Lash Card!

The Lash Card was borne of out of an old-school makeup artist’s trick of using a cut out business card to keep smears and snafus away. It couldn’t be easier to use: simply hold the card on your lid with one hand while you apply mascara with the other. If you’re intimidated or can’t picture this, just watch this one minute video. The nice, thick card stock also works well to smooth through any clumps and can help maximize curl. The card has two different sized curves so you can play around and see which works best for you. A ten-pack lasts about a month or more because you an use each card a few times.

File this under: as-obvious-as-inventing-a-Post-It-genius!


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